“Smart School''- School management
software is a product developed by Sizram Solutions. It is an education
automation system that is paperless. It serves as a core business operations
for today’s modern School, College, Madrasa and Universities both the English
Medium, English & Bangla Version. Smart
School provides the facility to carry out all day to day activities of the
Educational Institution, making them fast, easy, reliable, efficient and
accurate. This software is a simple yet powerful one-point integrated platform
that connects all the operations of an institution namely office
administration, time table, admission, attendance, examination, certification,
reports generation, result generation, fees counter, accounts, branch, notices,
news, library, payroll, and many more. This software helps educators to manage,
analyze and get reports of extensive data, while saving time by eliminating
repeated data entry.
Our Smart School is a comprehensive
web-based Education Management Software can be accessed from anywhere and
anytime from any devices in the world, which enables the students, teachers,
parents & the management to be in touch with each other at all times. It is
specially designed for better interaction among students, teachers, parents
& management to make the functioning of educational institution
administrative and management work effortless and easy which is carried out at
all times.
School is a multi-user system. The
software can be operated by multiple users with different authorization levels
simultaneously in a local area networking (LAN) environment or in a web. This
feature allows users to access the software anytime at their desire from their
individual’s PCs. The software is also mobile responsive, so it is easily
accessible for devices of different screen sizes making the system operational
from anywhere at any time in need
“Smart School''- School management software is a product developed by Sizram Solutions. It is an education automation system that is paperless.